Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Virtue of Selfishness

It is always difficult to type the first word, letter. Often your heart pulls you back, telling you not to kill or maim others and to thread softly so as not to disturb them. As a result, the anger and rage get suppressed somewhere within.

But someday, I dream take time out to be offhandedly cruel as per the society norms. Someday, I will stroll to my own rythm, think about myself, my happiness, my life.

I am happy when I am free. When I am not bogged down by the proclamations of love which family and friends use - often unknowingly - to send me on a guilt trip. I keep returning the favours which I never asked for in the first place; keep holding a candle for friendships that I know had withered away. In order to own the goody tag, I end up imprisoning myself.

One piece of advice which I always give my friends is to be selfish. Unashamedly. Gloriously. I want them to look into themselves and find their happiness, their piece of heaven without worrying about anything or anyone else in the world.

But why am I not forcing myself to do the same?

It is okay to think about my happiness. It is okay to say no to people when they are ch****ya kataoing me. It is okay to accept the love and affection that others give me. I dont have to be the person who give more in any relationship. Hell, I can choose not to give at all, if it is not to my liking. I can define my own morality.

I can be selfish. I can cancel out on people without giving any reasons. I can say no when people ask me for my time and money. I can not call up those who will spoil my day or week. I can ignore missed calls or missed buzzes if there is no follow up sms or message. I can ignore the pleas to help and choose not to even remotely think of people who never cared for me anyway. I can walk away frome the mindgames people play without even a goodbye, much less an explanation.

I can think about myself. I can splurge the money that I earn on things that I want to experience. I can dance to my own song. I need not care about looking like a wannabe. The entire world is a wannabe, in one way or other.

I can dream. I dont have to share my dreams with others. I can kick out of my life those people who do not believe in my life and choose to make fun of them. I can get out of dead relationships that do not work for me anymore.

Then I can become a dreamchaser. I can believe that I am God's dearest chils, that I am special. I can be confident that I will get what I want, and can say no to the offers on my quest to Atlantis. Less luggage, faster I travel.

I can do all of these.

Then why dont I?


z3phyr said...

i hate to give judgments...they usually go awry..:P

but one of the reasons mite be fear..it takes enormous guts to let go and listen to ur heart...

the way most people go bout it is..y shud i risk it when i dunno if its the right path...but the way i see it u wont know until u risk it once..

PS needless to say i still belong to the waiting-to-stand-up grp..
it's so much easier said than done..:P

Sands | കരിങ്കല്ല് said...


emotions over powering your mind and thoughts? :?

What I feel is that the existence of Atlantis is something like the bending spoon (in Matrix). I might be wrong too.

- A real selfish one.

Jobove - Reus said...
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GRS86 said...

You do not do those because, I think, you cannot do it. Period. So, your statement 'I can do it'- should probably be changed.

Quicksilver said...

I so totally agree. Less luggage more comfort is the tagline of the indian railways. Solitude is good. Live life your way !! Go for it

Unknown said...

Surya...the best advice is the one we give to our friends, but seldom follow it ourself.
Go on..be selfish, it's the best thing you can do to yourself. [Yep, I've been at it and it feels good!]

Anonymous said...

This post ... hmmm...
brings me back after five months...
I need a new name... I ll choose it....
since I am typing this comment from the banks of rhone..it will be...
-- Rhone...